i am consumed by painting ideas and projects and it is keeping me awake!!! i havent had this desire so strong in awhile - not since i started homeschooling - and it is seriously keeping me awake and waking me up at night! all these ideas i have come across since blogging have gotten my creative whatnot flowing and i am having a love/hate relationship with it all!!! I do so love to paint and be creative but i do have so much trouble stopping once i start! my hubby is off for 3 straight days and of course i am working but i am also plotting in my head all the painting/projects I can get done and new things I can try my hand at!!!!
we are so praying for snow tomorrow! the boys got all hyped up when they saw snow today for all of about 20 minutes and it didnt stick and they were so deflated!
please notice the LACK of snow on the ground last week when it did snow but also notice that it didnt stop my children from sledding! when they went out it was snowing good but it stopped and this is what we were left with! they had a blast!!
notice shiloh in the background.....she loved the snow! alex would throw snowballs at her, she would chase them and eat them and come running back for more!
then.....we went to our friends house who had a frozen pond in their backyard - that was so much more fun!! mommy was a little scraed of all the cracking and popping noises the ice kept making but nobody went in so all was well!
and away they go....to do Boy stuff........way too cute!
Okay...I'm finally getting time to sit down. and so I'm perusing your blog.
You have some mad artistic abilities. Seriously. Wow.
Come to my house and just breathe. I think you'll inspire me just having you near.